In today's post, we want to share our latest results on our pilot plantation of Pongamia trees in the Negev Desert. Research on elite genetic varieties of Pongamia trees that tolerate extreme climate and soil conditions includes several directions. One of KESSLER's most important research directions was to check and analyze the quality of proteins in the Pongamia fruit from the genetic variety 5781-A and determine their suitability as a basic building material for humans and animals.
The assumptions of our protein research program were very ambitious because they were based on the hypothesis that, based on elite varieties of the Pongamia tree, the desert can become not only a source of fully renewable, low-carbon energy sources (inedible oil, solid biomass), and also a source of high-quality proteins in the form of animal feed, as well as proteins for human organisms.
The success of our research could mean, among other things, that our genetic varieties and the Smart Carbon Plantation model can effectively prevent the prominent problem of hunger so present in African and more undeveloped regions, as well as effectively meet the constantly growing demand of the European Union countries, and other countries in the world for natural plant proteins - not genetically modified (Non-GMO).
As can be learned from many scientific publications, the fruits of the Pongamia tree contain proteins. Still, their quantity and, above all, quality depend on the genetic variety, the quantity and quality of the oil itself, and solid biomass. So, the primary goal of our research was to answer the question of how the protein quality will look in this area, whether our genetic variety will provide satisfactory results, and whether the quality will be suitable for living organisms.
Undoubtedly, the confirmation of our research assumptions could be the discovery of a new source of alternative proteins, produced thanks to the cultivation of our trees in desert and degraded areas.
In an exclusive partnership with the Israeli ARO Institute, KESSLER conducted an extensive research program on the content and quality of proteins in the 5781-A variety (Pongamia seed cake). The amino acid profile was detailed and compared with that of other types of proteins available on the market (eggs, whey, fish, milk, soy). We have included the results of the amino acid profile analyses from the research program in the table below.
The studies have shown that the proteins from the KESSLER advanced trees 5781-A variety contain a complete(!) amino acid profile in their composition, much better than those found in other products. In addition, about 65% of the amino acids are water-soluble amino acids, which makes it an extremely valuable product for all living organisms.
Seed cake amino acid composition (g/100g) of the 5781-A
| Amino Acid | Concentration (g/100g) |
| Alanine 0.81
| Arginine 1.11
| Aspartic acid 2.55
| Cystine + cysteine 0.34
| Glutamic acid 3.46
| Glycine 0.85
| Isoleucine 0.46
| Histidine 0.48
| Leucine 1.68
| Lysine 1.51
| Methionine 0.16
| Phenylalanine 1.22
| Proline 0.9
| Serine 1.35
| Tyrosine 0.63
| Threonine 0.8
| Tryptophan 0.09
| Valine 0.72
| Total amino acids | ** 19.12 **
The final result of KESSLER and ARO's comprehensive work was a great success for us; we state clearly that the cultivation of our genetic varieties of the pongamia tree is not only a source of low-carbon energy sources but also a powerful source of natural, high-quality alternative proteins - from the desert!
Thanks to the SCP model and projects, the desert, degraded land, and Pongamia trees can soon regain life and become a supplier of renewable fuels and food.
We integrate land reclamation, reforestation, desertification prevention, and extensive benefits from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).